If you’re a CEO or hold any sort of leadership position within a corporate structure, you understand how challenging it can be to set and achieve major goals. Especially when responsible for large teams and are expected to meet yearly quotas, having the ability to strategically set goals is a must. Here are five books that we highly recommend when trying to improve your goal setting abilities to ensure that you meet all objectives, no matter how large, in 2017.
Goal Setting for Success by Eddie de Jong
Goal Setting for Success by Eddie de Jong teaches thoroughly tested methods for setting goals and achieving what you really want in your personal and professional life. This how-to guide walks you through every step you need to set and achieve major objectives. This book shows you how to identify the cause of the original issue (why do you feel the need for change?). Also you’ll be able to learn what a well-structured goal involves and how to prioritize your goals so that you don’t get overwhelmed. This way you can start taking powerful and strategic actions and get better at reviewing and analyzing your progress.
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich was originally published in 1937, but it continues to be one of the most read books on goal setting to this day. This book dives deep into the lives, ideas, thoughts, and strategies of 500 of the most financially successful people in history. Known as the “”Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature”, Think and Grow Rich analyzes world-famous leaders such as Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford to uncover the truth behind effective goal setting and reaching far beyond what anyone thought was possible.
EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
EntreLeadership was written by the New York Times bestselling author, Dave Ramsey, a man who understands that a corporation is only as powerful as its leaders. No matter what your role is within your company – whether you’re CEO, a manager, or a board member – EntreLeadership examines how you can practically set step-by-step business goals that will allow your organization to flourish. If you’re looking to instill inspiration and positive morale in your team, help your employees love their work, unify your company to work toward your goals as a team, make strategic decisions to benefit your budget, and reach every single goal that you set, this is a must-read for you.
Good To Great by Jim Collins
In the 1990’s, a management study called Built to Last was published and took the business community by storm. Built to Last examined how powerful companies continually succeed overtime, and more importantly, how that “secret sauce” for success can be built into an organization’s DNA from day one. When this study came out, however, author Jim Collins had a follow-up question: What about the enterprises that don’t have that DNA in them? How can unsuccessful companies still achieve greatness, even when it seems that it’s a lost cause? This book dives deep into various theories, studies and insights that Jim Collins has uncovered over the years that will help any business thrive, no matter their current position.
Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey
New York Times bestselling author, Stephen R. Covey, sought to answer some complex questions when writing Principle-Centered Leadership: How can major corporations possibly fall short of their goals when so much manpower, resources, and time are invested? What is holding us back from accessing our greatest talents, energy, and creativity as leaders? Covey uncovers his solution: an inside-out and long-term approach to reaching your organizational goals through productivity, higher quality work, relationship building, and balance.
If you’re looking for some inspiration and tangible solutions as a leader in your enterprise, we highly recommend reading these highly appraised books. Depending on your company, it could also be worth considering reading these books as a team with your co-workers so that you can all strive toward reaching powerful goals together.

By Lena Elkins